Saturday, April 25, 2009

Design Randt Introduction

I'm not a ranter. I leave that to my wife. She comes from a long line of very passionate people who are not shy about letting people know how they feel. Gotta love 'em for it. But there's one thing that can really get me wound passion, my career of choice, graphic design.

Wow, seeing that in writing makes me realize how completely geeky that is. But that's who I am. So I thought, "Why not embrace it and get on the blog train with everyone else?" Frankly, I find blogging odd. It's right up there with Twitter on my list titled "Why Would People Care?" But people do and I suppose I see the value in that. However, I don't really see this blog as a way for me get my name out there in the design world. Hopefully my work will do that for me. I see it more as cathartic. For me.

But, if for some strange reason you're interested, feel free to read on, comment...all the other bloggy stuff people do that I don't know about yet.

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