Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Lifelong Branding Lesson

I find it interesting that my career has become so focused on branding. Keep it simple, dummy. Have an easy to remember brand name. Don't muddy the waters with too many messages...

Why do I find it interesting? Because I'm Dutch. That's right, Dutch. You know, from Holland. Yeah, right, the Netherlands. You got it.

And with a name like Hoekenga, I have to divulge my family heritage nearly every time I visit the grocery store. Yeah, right, Dutch. You got it.

It's interesting to try and figure out where the innate skills you're born with and choose to develop come from. My Grandpa was a brilliant Danish architect and house builder. Clean lines, Scandinavian sensibilities. His father was a painter. Not by trade, but just for fun. The other side of my family (Yeah, right, the Dutch side. You got it.) has a number of very talented artists. They're no Rembrandts, but talented for sure.

So I'm pretty clear on where the artistic thing came from.

But why, as someone who really never 'studied' branding (besides my everyday occupation I suppose) does it all come so naturally? Why, when I read an article on branding, do I think "duh" when they come to the inevitable Do's and Don'ts portion?

The Dutch. That's right, I've learned from the follies of my countrymen.

I believe, having spent my entire life trying to explain that the Dutch are from Holland also known as the Netherlands to others, that I have learned that the biggest mistake in branding is not having a clear message. Who does that?! Who has 3 names to describe one 'brand'???

I'm trying to think of an example of a company that's got multiple names. But my guess is I can't because the company that tried to do that failed miserably.

One thing I WILL say for the Dutch... they own the color orange. And they owned it long before it was the 'new black.' Anyone who watched Olympic speed skating this year will agree.

Anyhow, I guess it comes down to a big 'thanks' to the Dutch, from Holland...also known as the Netherlands. I've learned a valuable lesson from you....whether I wanted to or not!

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